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Wednesday, May 06, 2009
So yesterday was supposed to be me and Eaglie's big State of the Aviary Address. But alas, we ran out of energy by the time we were supposed to do it. Work does that. Let me acknowledge the concerns--it's true that the Aviary has been oft neglected this past year. Fits of posting followed by lacks. But we will come out the stronger. Now is the time to put away childish things, like sleep, and get back to our posting roots. There shall be no rest from rhetoric for the feathered. I'll see to that. It is not all bad though. On this sixth anniversary of the Aviary, I have discovered new and exciting powers for Eaglie to claim. Flickr, YouTube, Twitter (something designed for a bird character if there ever was one)... all new possibilities for the Aviary to become, faster, stronger, better, and even profitable. But that can't be everything: a friend in the online publishing industry told me to worry more about content. The free Bloggers and Wordpresses may be a dime a dozen and won't let you stand out in the crowd too often, but the content of each and every post is what keeps visitors coming back. And that is what makes blogs profitable. And that model will be how the Aviary will proceed. On another note, happy birthday to avid reader Joe! I'm sure he's living it up with his birthday biscuits and tea wherever he is. And if you'd like a personalized birthday wish from the Aviary, please send a credit card number or PayPal request to Eaglie's Birthday Wish By Internet Fund! Labels: Housecleaning |
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