Eaglie's Aviary

Monday, June 11, 2007

Politics, I Guess

So far, my political machine (it's the big washing machine connected by a series of tubes to a refridgerator and broom in my basement) has barely heated up, but the debates have been going on anyway.

There are the obvious candidates, Hillary, McCain, Guiliani, and Obama. While I mildly support them, those who know me know I love dark horses, and as the Internet knows, Bill Richardson and Ron Paul are as black as they come.

Bill Richardson is a New Mexican governor running for the Democratic nomination. He is also the only candidate, of the GOP or Dems, mind you, that has the support of the NRA. He's a very moderate, almost conservative, Democrat, though he also has the most experience in elected office of any Democratic candidate. He also is one of the major Democrats who were against the Iraq war before it began, something he certainly isn't exploiting for political gain.

On an extra note: Obama's not the only half-minority running: Richardson is half Mexican... making him New Mexican, I think.

Ron Paul is a Keebler elf Republican candidate and Texas senator. While a virtual no-name in most national polls, he enjoys more Internet support than the Numa Numa guy at this point: only Obama is matching him. Why is that? The man is a principled libertarian and what most call a true conservative, one looking to pare down the federal government. Example: he refused to vote Rosa Parks a Congressional Medal of Honor, saying it was unconstitutional to spend taxes on such things. He then offered $100 out of his own pocket to pay for the medal. He promises to use his veto power a lot.

I think he'd veto his own mother.

So, to sum it up, we have a NRA Card-carrying Democrat (not that there's anything WRONG with that) and an elf running. I'm currently hoping for them to make it an awesome November 2008, for my sake.

P.S. Here's something very poignant from the last GOP debate/stolen off of YouTube/really stolen from Real Time with Bill Maher.
