Eaglie's Aviary

Friday, July 25, 2008

I Want to Believe...


...the universe's greatest mysteries can be solved.
...that the world is not as full of idiots and jerks as I think it is.
...in the Chicago Cubs.
...oh, Hell, discount the last two.
...compressed air really does help my laptop.
...in yellow sticky tabs.
...I will make a difference.
...I can live in space someday.
...I can live in a non-rent-controlled house someday, maybe even with Internet. In space.
...this coffee addiction will pass.
...paperbacks read just as well as hard copies.
...that my childhood's carnival-won goldfish did not die in vain.
...that X-Files, Seasons 8 and 9 are of the above's similar fate.

Fight the Future, dudes and dudettes! X-Files movie, ho!
