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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
We're doing a whole massive cleanup of my house for the holidays. And it's giving me an huge idea for the Aviary and Eaglie. Throwing away many old and saved holiday cards, two identical Easter cards were discovered. Two identical $5 bills fell out. From my Grandma, ten years ago. Now, one might be my sister's, but she won't know that. And if she does, as she often does, my parents will foot the lost bill. Also, I dug up plenty of old books, some beautiful, some bizarre, and some bizarre and personally perplexing. My dad has a red binder with the gilt-printed "Beer Can Collectors of America." Apparently, years ago, he was a prime member of the organization. So the thousands of cans in the basement finally make sense. EDIT by EAGLIE - That's utterly awesome. I look forward to you providing me with more ideas like that. |
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