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Thursday, November 29, 2007
By the way, every paragraph break indicates a new entry and a later time. Also, I first wrote this in a spiral notebook while I was striking. Took me a few days to transcribe it. Wednesday, November 21, 2007 So I decided to support the WGA and go on strike. I hear the writers are really in need of money, almost as much as the producers, actors, and CEOs in Hollywood. They really want DVD sales and Internet ad profits to be included in their contracts. In fact, I'd like that stuff included in my contract, when I get one. The Aviary says the paperwork's still not done. The day goes on and I'm nervous. I've never gone on strike before. And I get rashes when I'm nervous. Who gets those? I heard WGA guidelines say we're supposed to picket 20 hours a week. That doesn't leave much time for myself while striking. I'll manage though. Aren't there at least 48 anyway? Thursday, November 22, 2007 I don't have to work! Thank God for the strike! Today I won't be picketing. I have to travel north to Kenosha. To Andy's grandma's house I go. Driving, driving, driving. Mostly trees and highway. Did you know how boring the Illinois-Wisconsin countryside is? Soy beans are more interesting than this. Where are those right now? There are lots of kids here. They like to run around and jump on me. They also have an obsession with Shrek. One keeps staring and begging me for piggy back rides. It would be cute if I wasn't nervous and on strike. Being on strike means you're on strike from everything, right? Turkey is good. There's also ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn casserole, gravy boats, and this weird stuff they tell me is made of cucumbers. But it's white. One thing you probably don't know about me is that I have a weakness for stuffing and gravy. That's why I'm stuffing the extra into my pants--ba-dum-CHING! Ride home is more boring than ride up, especially because I can't see the soy beans. Friday, November 23, 2007 I still can't find time to picket. But I think there are more than 20 hours left this week. Turkey-breast pancakes for breakfast. Side note: I said breast. This strike thing still has me a little confused. Where are the writers picketing? And are their signs and slogans as good as I'd think they’d be? Go join them another day when I have time. I even have a sign idea: "WE MISS Today keeps coming with the sexual innuendos. Looking at all the food in the fridge, I think I'll have a few Tupperware containers of food for when I join the ranks of the picketers! I'm very excited and nervous! Doctor tells me I've got strike rash, penicillin needed. Please donate. Saturday, November 24, 2007 Leftovers for breakfast. I'm also picketing today. I'm gonna try downtown. Turns out the picketers are all in New York and LA. None are in Chicago from what I see. I might have to videotape my picketing and put it on YouTube. I'm gonna try email and IM picketing. Not doing YouTube video because that's silly. Email might use same Heroes slogan I told you about yesterday. Turns out no one's picketing in New York and LA today. Weekends = no picketing. But I don't know when I'll get in 20 hours if I don't do it today and tomorrow! Cute girl, green sweater. No me write now. More leftovers. Not referring to cute girl, mind you. I made the sign in MS Paint. Gonna send it around. Sunday, November 25, 2007 More leftovers, this time pumpkin pie omelet before church. Sermon was something about social justice and anti-abortion and gay marriage and love stuff. Came home, realized WGA still hasn't returned any of my calls. I also sent my fifth application today. I hope the mailmen get that thing out today! I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out! By that, I meant my wait to join the WGA! I could strike like this for years! Bears won! But all the writers aren't writing ballads to Devin Hester because they're on strike. I should myself then. Hester... hester, hester, best 'er! There. Monday, November 26, 2007 Hard to wake up. It's Monday. I made it to 6. 6 days. Yay! Still going strong! Time to start over with my 20 hours. I'm gonna stand in Daley Plaza for that. Or maybe Town Hall. I don't know which. It's very cold though. Hope I'm bundled up enough. I can't do this anymore! It's cold, and the rash is on my eyeballs now! Reflections on My Strike I feel terrible that I couldn’t hold out, but the fact is, I am flawed. I have needs. And I have a need to write. I just can’t shake it. I also realized just now how ironic striking over blogging is when so many children are starving in Africa and that I could've held out for more. Good night, blog-in-a-spiral-notebook. Labels: Longer Stuff |
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