Eaglie's Aviary

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Star Wars before the Star Wars

Here’s a nice quote, from the premiere at Cannes.

Hayden Christensen: “The actual physical transformation to Darth Vader was made very easily. Really it was a matter of bringing the characteristics that we saw in Jake Lloyd that we saw in Episode I and mature those so as to create the character – vocal tonality, how he behaved...”


Seriously, dude, forget trying to copy that little kid. I hope you forgot to do that in Episode III, ’cause that would save you a few nails in your coffin.

And did anyone else hear how Samuel L. Jackson specifically told Lucas to give him a “badass” death? There’s only two good guys in the Star Wars universe that deserve badass deaths… and Mace Windu incarnate is one of them.

Who DESPERATELY wants to see Yoda face Palpatine. The two most powerful Force users seen in the trilogies, fighting in the Galactic Senate chambers? ::drool::

Tomorrow, Andy should have a piece on the parallels of the Star Wars universe. And perhaps I'll even have my nice little treatise on... something.

All we have left is to wait. Patience, my young apprentice(s). Soon, we shall have our Revenge.